Editorial Policy and Standards

At libertyshowcasetheatre.org, we hold our content to the highest standards of quality and integrity. Our dedicated team, comprising writers, editors, and contributors, is committed to crafting original, accurate, and engaging content with an unwavering focus on ethical standards. If you ever encounter content that you believe requires improvement or clarification, please feel free to reach out to us at ava@libertyshowcasetheatre.org.

Our Content Integrity Promise

Our commitment to delivering quality and trustworthiness is steadfast. Our diverse team meticulously researches and reviews all content to ensure it remains current, accurate, and always prioritizes the needs of our readers.

Each article proudly displays the updated date, author information, and a link to the author’s profile page. All visual elements, including illustrations, graphics, images, and videos, are thoughtfully chosen by our internal team. Regular reviews by our editors, in alignment with our Ethics Policy, maintain the quality, accuracy, and integrity of these assets.


A team of seasoned fact-checkers, selected for their journalistic and subject matter expertise, adds a critical layer of review to ensure the integrity of our content. If you identify any issues, please bring them to our attention by emailing ava@libertyshowcasetheatre.org.


Our editorial teams are committed to transparency. Should we identify a factual error in a news story upon publication, we will promptly correct it and notify our readers. For more details, please refer to our Corrections Policy.


We strictly adhere to sourcing standards, prioritizing current and reputable primary sources, such as expert interviews and professional institutions. For more on how we handle feedback and corrections, see our Actionable Feedback Policy.

Diversity and Anti-bias

At libertyshowcasetheatre.org, our profound commitment is to represent and serve all individuals, irrespective of their background.


libertyshowcasetheatre.org unwaveringly upholds ethical, fair, and comprehensive journalism. Every member of our team is held to the highest standards of honesty and transparency. For any concerns or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us at ava@libertyshowcasetheatre.org.