Fiona’s Boyfriends from Shameless Ranked & Reviewed

Fiona Gallagher, the iconic character from the hit TV show Shameless, has had her fair share of romantic partners throughout the series. From passionate whirlwind romances to destructive relationships, Fiona’s love life has been anything but predictable. Let’s take a closer look at her boyfriends and how they have shaped her journey on Shameless.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fiona’s boyfriends on Shameless often share the same reckless nature as her.
  • Some relationships have been destructive and harmful to Fiona’s life.
  • Others are good people she could potentially settle down with.
  • From Steve in season 1 to Ford in season 9, Fiona’s love interests have left a lasting impact.
  • Each relationship showcases the complexities of love and the challenges of navigating personal struggles.


Jasmine, played by guest star Amy Smart, was introduced as a PTA mom for Debbie’s class in season 1. Fiona and Jasmine strike up an easy friendship due to their mutual distaste for other moms in the group. However, Jasmine’s behavior becomes more worrisome as the series progresses. She develops feelings for Fiona and even kisses her, but Fiona does not reciprocate. Their friendship ends when Fiona refuses to let Jasmine live at her house. Jasmine’s behavior and emotional turmoil make this relationship one-sided and unhealthy for Fiona.

Despite their initial camaraderie, Fiona and Jasmine’s friendship takes a questionable turn when Jasmine develops romantic feelings for Fiona. Jasmine’s advances, including a surprise kiss, catch Fiona off guard, as she had never expressed any romantic interest in Jasmine. The rejection of Jasmine’s advances and Fiona’s decision to draw boundaries are pivotal moments in their relationship. Fiona’s rejection signifies her unwillingness to engage in a romantic relationship with a friend, while also highlighting the unhealthy dynamic that has developed between them.

In an attempt to keep Fiona close, Jasmine asks to move in with her. Fiona, recognizing the complexities and potential challenges of living together, firmly declines Jasmine’s request. This refusal marks the end of their friendship, as Jasmine’s behavior and emotional turmoil have made it clear that their relationship is no longer healthy or sustainable for Fiona.

Jasmine's Behavior

The evolution of Jasmine’s behavior throughout the series is a prominent aspect of her character development. Initially introduced as a quirky and relatable mom, Jasmine’s actions gradually become more concerning. Her growing infatuation with Fiona leads to desperate measures, such as impulsively kissing her without consent. This behavior exhibits a lack of respect for Fiona’s boundaries and raises significant questions about Jasmine’s emotional stability.

Jasmine’s advances, including a surprise kiss, catch Fiona off guard, as she had never expressed any romantic interest in Jasmine. The rejection of Jasmine’s advances and Fiona’s decision to draw boundaries are pivotal moments in their relationship.

Furthermore, Jasmine’s persistence in pursuing Fiona demonstrates a lack of understanding or regard for Fiona’s feelings. Instead of respecting Fiona’s lack of interest, Jasmine continues to pursue her, even going as far as requesting to move in with her. This persistence and disregard for Fiona’s boundaries further contribute to the unhealthy nature of their relationship.

Fiona's Rejection of Jasmine's Advances

Fiona’s rejection of Jasmine’s advances is a clear indication of her boundaries and personal preferences. Despite their friendship, Fiona does not reciprocate Jasmine’s romantic feelings. This rejection highlights Fiona’s commitment to maintaining boundaries and avoiding any potential harm or discomfort that could arise from entering into a romantic relationship with a close friend.

By firmly declining Jasmine’s request to live together, Fiona establishes a clear boundary and asserts her autonomy. This decision showcases Fiona’s growth and ability to prioritize her own well-being, even at the expense of a friendship that was once important to her.

Jasmine’s Behavior Fiona’s Rejection
Develops romantic feelings for Fiona Does not reciprocate Jasmine’s feelings
Surprises Fiona with a kiss Establishes boundaries and rejects Jasmine’s advances
Asks to move in with Fiona Declines Jasmine’s request and ends the friendship
Jasmine Shameless


Richard is a wealthy man introduced to Fiona by Jasmine in season 2. At first, Fiona is uninterested, but Richard’s charm captivates her, leading to a brief dating period. However, Fiona’s shame about her lower socioeconomic status starts to affect their relationship.

Fiona, feeling insecure, lies to Richard about her living arrangements, further deepening the class divide between them. Richard, in turn, seems to view Fiona as a fetishized object, taking advantage of her vulnerability.

Ultimately, Fiona discovers Richard’s deception – he is married. This revelation forces her to confront the harsh reality that their relationship can never have a future. Richard’s actions not only deceive Fiona, but they also expose the power dynamics and complexities surrounding socioeconomic status in their relationship.


“Fiona, I’ve never met a woman like you. I find your socioeconomic status intriguing.”


“I can’t believe I let myself be deceived by someone like you. Our relationship was built on lies and manipulation.”



Robbie is undoubtedly one of the most destructive and harmful boyfriends Fiona encounters throughout the series. Their tumultuous affair begins when Fiona cheats on her boyfriend, Mike, with Robbie, who happens to be Mike’s own brother. This deceitful act sets the stage for a chain of manipulation and destruction that Robbie orchestrates in Fiona’s life.

Robbie proves to be a master of manipulation as he strategically ruins Fiona’s relationships and career. He shamelessly takes advantage of his connections with Mike and his parents, mooching off them without remorse. However, Robbie’s true destructive behavior is revealed when he chooses to expose the affair to Mike, leading to significant consequences for Fiona.

“Their affair begins when Fiona cheats on her boyfriend, Mike, with Robbie, who is Mike’s brother.”

This revelation shatters the trust and stability that Fiona’s relationship with Mike once had. Robbie’s calculated actions not only strain her personal life but also have a profound impact on her future.

Robbie’s destructive nature highlights the lengths he is willing to go to manipulate and control Fiona. Despite the consequences she faces as a result of their relationship, the damage is done, leaving Fiona to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Robbie Shameless

Robbie’s role in Fiona’s life serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that can arise from engaging in manipulative and deceitful relationships. His presence exemplifies the destructive power of toxic love connections and the lasting effects they can have on one’s life and well-being.


Fiona’s romantic entanglement with Craig, her high school crush, highlights her unfortunate attraction to married men and her penchant for making poor decisions. Despite initially stating that she wasn’t interested in married men, Fiona finds herself succumbing to Craig’s charms and engaging in a hook-up with him.

This ill-fated relationship is characterized by Fiona’s lack of judgment and her tendency to be distracted from her own personal issues. Craig takes advantage of Fiona’s attraction to him and cheats on his wife, demonstrating his disregard for commitment and integrity.

Craig adds no value to Fiona’s life and lacks consideration for her well-being. This is evident in his choice to pursue a romantic connection with Fiona, knowing his marital status. While Fiona may have had genuine feelings for Craig, this ill-advised relationship only serves as a reminder of her tendency to make poor choices when it comes to her love life.

Fiona and Craig Shameless

Comparison of Fiona's Boyfriends

Boyfriend Characteristics Impact on Fiona
Jasmine Worrisome behavior, develops feelings for Fiona Unrequited feelings lead to the end of their friendship
Richard Wealthy sugar daddy, reflects class divide Fiona feels ashamed and lies about her living arrangements
Robbie Manipulative, destructive, ruins Fiona’s relationship and career Causes severe consequences for Fiona
Craig Married, cheats on his wife Fiona’s poor decision-making and distraction from real issues


Fiona’s romantic relationships on Shameless have been a rollercoaster ride filled with drama, heartbreak, and destructive behavior. While she had a few suitors who had the potential to bring stability and happiness into her life, such as Tony and Adam, the majority of her love interests have left a trail of chaos in their wake.

Robbie stands out as one of the most damaging of Fiona’s boyfriends. His manipulation and destruction of Fiona’s personal and professional life showcased the harmful impact a toxic partner can have. Similarly, Richard’s deceit and fetishization of Fiona highlighted the class divide and the shame she felt about her socioeconomic status.

However, it’s important to recognize that Fiona’s relationships aren’t entirely black and white. They reflect the complexities of love, the challenges of navigating relationships while dealing with personal struggles, and the consequences of flawed choices. Fiona’s journey of self-discovery and growth, despite the ups and downs, has made her character all the more relatable and compelling in the series.


What is Fiona’s relationship with Jasmine on Shameless?

Fiona and Jasmine strike up an easy friendship due to their mutual distaste for other moms in the PTA group. However, Jasmine’s behavior becomes more worrisome as the series progresses. She develops feelings for Fiona and even kisses her, but Fiona does not reciprocate. Their friendship ends when Fiona refuses to let Jasmine live at her house.

How does Fiona’s relationship with Richard unfold?

Richard is a wealthy man introduced to Fiona by Jasmine. Fiona is initially uninterested but is charmed by Richard and they briefly date. However, Fiona feels ashamed of her lower socioeconomic status and lies to Richard about her living arrangements. Their relationship becomes a reflection of the class divide and Richard’s fetishization of Fiona. Ultimately, Fiona realizes Richard is married and that their relationship has no future.

What is Fiona’s experience with Robbie as her boyfriend?

Robbie is one of Fiona’s worst decisions in terms of boyfriends. Their affair begins when Fiona cheats on her boyfriend, Mike, with Robbie, who is Mike’s brother. Robbie is manipulative and intentionally ruins Fiona’s relationship and her career. He mooches off of Mike and his parents and ultimately reveals the affair to Mike, leading to severe consequences for Fiona.

How does Fiona’s hook-up with Craig impact her life?

Fiona hooks up with Craig, her high school crush, even though she initially stated she was not interested in married men. Craig takes advantage of Fiona’s attraction to him and cheats on his wife. This relationship is marked by Fiona’s poor decision-making and distraction from her real issues. Craig adds no value to Fiona’s life and is not a considerate person.

What can we learn from Fiona’s relationships in Shameless?

Fiona’s romantic relationships on Shameless have been tumultuous and often destructive. While she has had a few love interests who could have potentially been good for her, such as Tony and Adam, the majority of her boyfriends have caused harm and turmoil in her life. From Robbie’s manipulation to Richard’s deceit, Fiona’s romantic partners have had a significant impact on her character and the trajectory of the series. Despite her flawed choices, Fiona’s relationships showcase the complex nature of love and the challenges of navigating relationships while dealing with personal struggles.

Ava Baker

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